Iaep, inc. Teaching horse owners and professionals holistic hoof care. 

Celebrating 20 years

Frequently asked questions

I have been trimming for years. Will the hoof course be too basic for me?
The 5-day hoof course is designed to enhance any hoof care regime. Whether you are a seasoned farrier, first time horse owner, or avid trimmer, the HPT Method and AEP offers fresh and innovative approach that will enhance any program you are practicing. The reason being, KC  LaPierre's new science of Applied Equine Podiatry is just that, a NEW science. KC's theory is unique to his science, and the model that is created, is fresh and new to any hoof enthusiast. 

What is the difference between the 3-day course and 5-day course?
The primary difference between the 3-day course and 5-day course is that KC La Pierre, the Institute's founder is the only authorized instructor for the 5-day course. Our licensed Instructors are hold a diploma in Applied Equine Podiatry and are active alumni with the Institute and have completed the 12-Month Instructor course. They are teaching what we call the "3-day" course which is our Introductory course for people would like to know more about AEP, horse owners currently using a DAEP and just want to learn more about the hoof, or for those who have never been exposed to AEP. The 3-day course is not a trimming course, it covers basic theory, the dissection, hoof anatomy / function, and proper tool use with cadavers. We do not recommend students take the 3-day course if they wish to trim their own horses. The 3-day course is about Introduction to the science as a whole, and beginning the process of handling horse's feet and hoof care tools. 

Can I take the online alone or do I have to be a FT student as well?
Yes, as a student, you do not need to be declared full time (FT) in order to enroll in the at home online AEP course. This course is a stand-alone course and represents the "academic" portion of the diploma. The online curriculum consists of ten modules, a midterm and a final exam. You will be assigned a faculty advisor who will mentor you through the academic learning process, giving you one-on-one guidance and reassurance through homework real-time cases. Upon completion, you will receive a "Certificate of Completion" for the course.

How does the calendars work for the online versus, the practical hours of the diploma?
The Online program is a 12-month program that begins when you pay your student tuition and receive your first module of study. It is recommended that each student complete a module of study a month, thus finishing in 12 months time. You may finish faster, or as fast as you send your modules of study in for homework review. Our faculty will accommodate your schedule. If you do not finish your modules in 12 months, there is no need to worry. You can purchase a six month extension.
 The Practical hours begin with your first 5-day course you attended. We allow 12 months to complete the practical hours in the USA, and 18 months in Europe and abroad. If for some reason, you do not finish your "practical" course hours for the diploma within 12 or 18 months, not to worry, the calendar moves to the very next course you took, and the first one drops off. You never lose all your hours completed, unless of course, you take an extended break from your first course to the second course that extends past the 12 or 18 months. Then you would be required to start again.

 How does the diploma work?
The Diploma is a two part program: 1.) Academic and 2.) Practical. The academic portion or Online Curriculum is a 12-month program in both the US and Europe which consists of approximately 300 hours of study. The online must be finished prior to sitting the final practical exam. So it is best that students pursue the online program before or during their practical hours.
 The practical portion or Hands on Courses are also 18 month program (USA & Europe) which consists of a minimum of 200 hours of study or (5) 5-day courses. Students may take more than five courses, but must take a minimum of 5 in order to qualify to sit the final exam. 

What is the difference between IAEP and the natural trimmers?
The differences are many. IAEP is a school which bases its theories on the principles of Applied Equine Podiatry. Our primary objective is to secure and respect what is called the Internal Arch Apparatus, which is not the arch of the foot but rather an organ or group of structures that make up the primary functioning portion of the hoof. This structure is what we balance to, by being able to visually remove the hoof capsule during the application of the HPT method, and stimulate the correct structures through that application, which is translated into the locomotion of the horse. Stimulus being the primary factor in our method, in respect to Domestication as we know it today, is what holds us apart from the natural trimmers. We also do not believe that the wild horse has an adequate foot or hoof in which to use as a model for trimming. The basic formula of F=MxA, which translates to Force equals Mass times Acceleration. This basic mathematical formula is enough to throw out the wild hoof model without even scientific study. The wild horses do not have rider weight, tack, repetitive domestic motion, level of speed, or environmental influences that our domestic horses to today have. It has been since proven that the wild hoof model is not the model to use. Applied Equine Podiatry is the cutting edge alternative to the farrier sciences in that our study is not about the lack of a horse, but rather the direct stimulus necessary for the strongest hoof possible. What we are striving for is a hoof matrix, or a tough as nails hoof that will surpass most all disciplines where the foot is concerned. It's not about "how to trim," but rather "why you are trimming." AEP is about what structure is affected, and what is the foundation.

Why aren't all your graduates listed on your site?
The IAEP website clearly lists all Active Alumni members of the site by country. An Active Alumni member is someone who graduated from our first level program, and has completed their 40 hours of CPD yearly, or Continue Professional Development with us. This consists of attending (1) five day course of their choice within each calendar year after graduation. Those who are Active Alumni Members receive the MIAEP title, and are also eligible to enroll in either our Second Level Advanced course or the Licensed Instructor Program. If a graduate chooses to not pursue their CPD one year, they can re-establish their membership the following year by enrolling in CPD. IAEP takes pride in our graduates and high standards of learning, and fully support CPD as a necessary learning tool for hoof care providers. IAEP will not endorse any student unless they are Active Alumni with us. This is for the safety of your horse, and the reputation of the Institute.

I am a first time horse owner, will I be lost at a 5-day course?

The 5-day course is designed to help even the first time horse owner with daily questions. What the course does is dispel the many myths of practice that surrounds the Hoof Industry today. There have been so many advances in the field in the last ten to fifteen years that this new information is invaluable to the hoof care professional as well as horse owner. KC discusses a topic, for example, "the sole" of the hoof. KC not only starts at the beginning for the laymen, explaining according to his theory what the structure is, and how it functions, but also takes the theory one step further and discusses how to rehabilitate or expose that structure to the correct stimulus for growth, and also identifies it's foundation. Which in turn, means, being proactive with your hoof regime and not waiting until structure is lost to recognize a problem.

I use one of KC's Applied Equine Podiatrists currently. How can one 3-day course help me? I never intend to trim my horse myself?
The 3-day course is essential for any horse owner, especially if they themselves are not trimming their horse's feet. As you know by the reputation of our DAEP's, owner Commitment is key in the recipe for that horse's success for rehabilitation or return of structure. Whether you just pulled your horse's shoes for the first time, or your horse has been "shoeless" all its life, the 3-day course will strengthen the relationship between you, your horse, and your Equine Podiatrist. Being an informed equine ward is essential in the science of Applied Equine Podiatry. Without it, the science falls short. All our DAEP's are trained to spend countless hours educating horse owners on what they are doing, why they are doing it, and how can we improve where your horse lives in domestication. It is more important what you expose that hoof to after that DAEP leaves, than with the trim alone. The burden of success is on your shoulders, not on the Hoof Care Provider. If the science fails you, it was probably due to the fact that you either did not become a partner in the process, or did not follow the suggested rehabilitation regime. Being a student of the 3-day course gives you, the horse owner, the opportunity to learn from our best and brightest DAEP's directly on topics that affect your horse on a day to day basis.

What if I choose to shoe my horse for my discipline? Will the 5-day course and AEP still apply to me?
This is the most exciting part about the 5-day course. Applied Equine Podiatry does not question: to shoe or not to shoe. The real question is: correct stimulus versus incorrect stimulus. KC La Pierre educates on the proper hoof, or most correct hoof. We would like to strive for the Perfect Hoof, hence the name, but correct structure and correct stimulus is more accurate. The 5-day Course will educate on "Whole Horse Hoof Health." This is paramount in understanding our purpose behind AEP. We believe that every horse, regardless of whether it is a pasture ornament or a top performance horse, deserves the best possible hoof it can have. Most reasons why horse's hooves are below standard, or possess what we call "Deformed Hoof Syndrome" is because that hoof is not be given the correct stimulus for growth, for whatever reason. AEP will walk you through the step by step process in order to get the best hoof possible for that horse. It's all about basic hoof health and understanding. By demystifying the hoof, owners, veterinarians, and farriers can take that hoof from ordinary or deformed to extraordinary or more perfect. Once a perfect hoof is achieved, then by all means, apply the shoe. But only do so if that is what your discipline, environment, or pathology dictates necessary for that horse at that moment in time. Through Applied Equine Podiatry, you will understand the impact of that shoe, and know when to remove it, or if you even need it. It's an educated decision. What we object to in our science is shoeing to a foot that is so under run, and so deformed, that there is barely anything left to nail to.

What does DAEP stand for?
DAEP stands for Diploma in Applied Equine Podiatry or rather, hoof care providers practicing the complete science of Applied Equine Podiatry. All graduates will have the letters, DAEP, and MIAEP after their name if they are active with us as alumni members. (Member of IAEP)

What are all the options that the Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry has to offer me as a student? I am not sure where I want to begin?
The Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry has many options for horse owners, veterinarians, farriers, and hoof care providers in order to get involved in our programs.

1. The best place to begin is our Online Program. The Online program is the heart and Sole of our Program. It is 80% of what we do. We pride ourselves in being the most academically advanced program in the industry today. We challenge our students to think laterally, or outside the box. We encourage questions and supply support when old questions are answered and new questions are formed. We expect more from you than you probably expected of yourself before beginning any program with us. This online program will give you the foundational cornerstone in which AEP is built.
2. IAEP offers several five day courses that are worldwide. Check out our calendar today to see where KC is going to be, and sign up today! Spots are limited, so reserve yours today. Hands on training is the best way to learn to trim the hoof. We want you to master the basics, in order to excel in the science. Our one-on-one training techniques make trimming easy. Linked with theory, we are able to demonstrate the ease that hoof care should be.

3. IAEP has two different diploma programs, First and Second level programs. Our second level program is only eligible to those who have graduated from our first level program and are in good standing as Active Alumni members. Our second level program is an advanced program concentrating on pathologies, leg abnormalities, gait analysis, therapeutic techniques for the foot, and advanced imaging studies.

4. IAEP also offers a licensed diploma program for Active Alumni Members which consists of teaching the 3-day course worldwide. Our program offers the flexibility for those who love to teach and have a passion for AEP. If you are one of those people, who love horses, love people, and have a passion for AEP, the Licensed Instructor Program is for you.

5. IAEP also has many DVD's and Books, published by KC la Pierre, that help you along your journey into Applied Equine Podiatry.

6. IAEP has also many hoof care products that will aide in the rehabilitation and maintenance of your horse's feet. AEP is about being proactive, not reactive. Check out the great hoof care products that are being sold throughout the world. These products include: Silvetrasol, the all natural hoof and wound wash, Perfect Hoof Wear, Hydropathics, the Homeopathic alternative, Tru-Comfort Hoof Stands, plus many other signature items created by KC LaPierre in efforts to keep your safe while trimming and your horse comfortable and happy.